Thursday, June 28, 2018

Instant business! Just add...

An update from Equip Mozambique!
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Exciting Times to Be Alive

We’ve been back in Mozambique for less than two months, and once again we’re amazed at all God does in us, with us, and through us!

"And what are you going to name your tailoring business?" 
Sewing school graduates, grinning and dreaming big!

New Website!

Our website received a much-needed makeover, now it is much easier to navigate and has more up-to-date information and pictures. Check it out!

Instant business... just add scissors!  

The ladies who graduated from the sewing school in April were thrilled to receive their hard-earned sewing machines. However, when I (Carla) was chatting with one of them a month later, she expressed that she was having trouble getting her business started because she still lacked some basic materials such as scissors, pins, and tape measures. It turned out this was holding all of the ladies back from truly starting their new lives.


We ran a short fundraiser on Facebook to collect money to buy business starter kits for these ladies, and we were floored by the results! Within just a couple days we had all the funds needed, bought the kits, and had a party giving them away. The ladies were literally singing and dancing with their gift bags, so happy to have the knowledge, the tools, and now the materials to start supporting their families. They’ve been doing very well ever since!


New Partners

We forged a new partnership with an organization called “CouldYou?” that is based in the States and works primarily in Mozambique. They have literacy initiatives that go hand-in-hand with our library, and we hope to work together with them on producing more Mozambican books. 

They have another project related to girls’ education and health, which is the distribution of menstrual cups. You can read the full story and reasons on their website. These are a completely new concept here, so to give the initiative a more “African” flair they wanted to give them out in little bags made out of Mozambican capulana cloth. So that gave us some work for the sewing school ladies! 



Growing Pains...

Our ministries continue to grow and flourish, and it is so exciting to add to our team and find new projects to help take Mozambique to the next level. However, with all this growth come many new expenses. Last month we also received word from the government that all employers nationwide had to raise salaries by 14%. While we love to bless our amazing workers, this has really stretched our already tight budget. Please pray with us that we can find more consistent monthly donors or other sources of funds.


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Praise Reports:

  • That we were able to raise the funds for the sewing kits -- and more importantly that the women's businesses are going well!
  • That we have been able to forge new partnerships

Prayer Requests:

  • That all of our growing needs will be met through increased funding
  • Please continue to pray for peace in the norther region of Mozambique
Thanks for reading, please remember us in your prayers!