Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2018 in Review


An update from Equip Mozambique!
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2018 In Review

Carla with many graduates from the sewing school! We held an event for them to share their testimonies.
2018 was a great year for empowering Mozambicans to be the change they want to see in their nation! We're already a little way into 2019, but read below for some highlights from last year:
The sewing school had a huge, happy graduation in November, where the ladies told testimonies, sang, danced, and walked home with their own sewing machines! We also held a 2-month intensive course to start schools outside of Beira.
The library grew exponentially in the number of visitors coming to spend several hours per day reading with us! It's exciting to see the culture of our community shifting to value the way their worlds can open up with books.
We held multiple training sessions for the community throughout the year, where we encouraged our workers to pass on the things they have learned to others! 
We forged a wonderful partnership with K8AfriKa, a South African brand that chose our sewing school to do all their manufacturing and really brought us to the next level in complexity of products and quality. Check out her website!
We grew our tech team and started developing a new app to help educate people on health issues. The Bible app "Fountain of Life" is also getting a major update and has continued to reach tens of thousands of people!

Praise Reports:

  • For all that went well in 2018!
  • That we were able to grow our team with really quality people.
  • That we received a godsend donation at the end of the year that helped us close out well.

Prayer Requests:

  • Wisdom as we move forward with establishing more organized sales possibilities for the sewing school's products in the States. 
  • That we would be able to make the ministry more sustainable this year through sewing sales and services like the website and app jobs. 
Thanks for reading, please remember us in your prayers!