Our church, Peniel Worship Center, put out a new album of original worship songs! Here is the translation of all the songs on it. You can download the album on iTunes, Amazon, or the Google Play Store, it's called "Africa o Tempo de Adorar", or "Africa, Time to Worship". Check it out!

I want to be with You
Oh, my Lord
I want to be... Oh Lord
1. Africa
Africa, it’s time to worship
In spirit and in truth unto the Lord
Rise up and shine in the Lord
Shine as glory comes over you
Many come to you to celebrate
Many come to you to worship
Hearing what God has done for you
The nations will come to praise
The nations will come to sing
Hearing what God has done for you
Many come to you to
Praise, dance, and celebrate!
2. Atrios (Halls)
I want to come into Your halls
With a grateful heart to worship You
In Your holiness
You are my best
There is no other I want more than You
You are my God
Who reigns in glory
Who heals and sanctifies
Who comforts hearts
And proclaims liberty
To the captives and the oppressed
What I long for more than anything
Is to live close to You
In Your house, Lord
My desire is to worship You
In Your holiness, Lord
In Your holiness
To worship You
I spirit and in truth
3. Geração Santa (Holy Generation)
A holy generation
Ones who will celebrate
Ones who will worship in holiness
I know that Your eyes
Are over the earth
Searching for a redeemed people to worship You
Who will be filled with the power of the Spirit
And live in Your holiness
A holy generation
Those who celebrate
Those who worship in holiness
A holy generation
Those who seek you
Those who value everything
But don’t sin
You are holy
4. Não Há Barreiras (There Are No Barriers)
If I cry out I know that You will come
If I call Your name, You come
Oh my Lord, come help me
Come rescue me
Yes, I will listen to Your voice
And I will accept the change
Come oh Lord and give me a character like Yours
Transform who I am
Give me Your character
I want to be a mirror
Wherever I go
Lord, transform my life
Give me Your character
I want to be a mirror
Wherever I go
There are no barriers or limits
Wherever I go
Others will always see the Lord in me
5. Renova o meu Carácter (Renew My Character)
I fall prostrate at Your feet
I want to learn from You
Who are meek and humble
Teach me to live with Christian character
Because I want to honor You with my attitudes
Because I want to honor You with my attitudes
Renew my character
Renew my thoughts
Let whatever You want be done in me
Guide my steps
Guide who I am
I want to live Your will
Because I want to honor You with my attitudes
6. Emanuel (Emmanuel)
You have the name above all names
Jesus, Jesus
All dominion is under You
Jesus, King of kings
You reign with power and glory
And Your Kingdom is established with justice
Immanuel, You are wonderful
Prince of Peace
You are the eternal God
7. Quero ser Santo (I Want to be Holy)
Purify me
Purify my soul
Purify my heart
I want to be holy, oh God
I want to be holy (3X)
8. Quero Ir Além (I want to go Beyond)
Whom do I have in heaven besides You?
Where could I go, if life is found in You?
I want to go beyond what my eyes can see
Set the oppressed free
Announce Your peace, oh Lord
To be a lighthouse in the middle of the darkness
Give me Your vision
I want to go to the nations, Lord
The generation that takes on the vision of God
We are, we are
9. Visão (Vision)
Place in me Your vision
The target I will reach
Place in me Your dreams
I will bring forth Your vision
Because this is the time
That the visionaries will run with Your vision
Vision (3X)
Of an eagle, I want to have
Vision (3X)
To see what God sees
This is the time to raise up visionaries
That will rise up like the eagles
This is the time to raise up visionaries
Who will run with vision
10. Frutificar (Fruitfulness)
Lord, here I am
I surrender myself at Your feet
Lord, here I am
I want to go and announce
You are the true Vine
Whoever is in You
Will bear much fruit
I want to be with You
Oh, my Lord
I want to be... Oh Lord
My heart is on Your altar
I want to receive so much more
To give fruit in Your temple
The season has arrived
The season has arrived
Great songs, right?!
As a little bit of back story, songs #5, #6, and #9 were written (and performed on this album) by a girl named Maninya who passed away in January. The whole church was shocked and saddened, she was so young and talented, had impacted so many lives, and left a gaping hole in the community and church family. Pastor Mario prayed, as I'm sure so many others did, "Why, God? Why now?" He felt the answer was, "Because her mission was complete."
All that God had planned and set out for her, she accomplished faithfully. And she's left this legacy behind her, I think about her every time we sing one of her songs in church. She had a gift for bringing others into God's presence, because that is where she habitually dwelt.
Well done, good and faithful servant.
What is the mission God has for you? What are you doing to live it out?
Great songs, right?!
As a little bit of back story, songs #5, #6, and #9 were written (and performed on this album) by a girl named Maninya who passed away in January. The whole church was shocked and saddened, she was so young and talented, had impacted so many lives, and left a gaping hole in the community and church family. Pastor Mario prayed, as I'm sure so many others did, "Why, God? Why now?" He felt the answer was, "Because her mission was complete."
All that God had planned and set out for her, she accomplished faithfully. And she's left this legacy behind her, I think about her every time we sing one of her songs in church. She had a gift for bringing others into God's presence, because that is where she habitually dwelt.
Well done, good and faithful servant.
What is the mission God has for you? What are you doing to live it out?
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